April 28, 2019 neopup1@yahoo.com no responses

Mill Creek Watershed Council

The audience of the Mill Creek Watershed Council “The Council” is people between the ages of 35-65 who either work in the community surrounding Cincinnati’s Mill Creek or are very involved, usually they have a family.

The voice for writing the website, blog, social media, etc. is informative and to-the-point, but still friendly and approachable.

At the time of my tenure, the e-newsletter maintained, on average, between an 18-24% open rate with a list size of about 2500 and was also marketed through social promotion, managed by me. It is the main source of communication between the Council and the public. Press releases were housed on the Council’s website and also emailed out to local media.

Social promotion stats (as of December 2017): 1100+ followers on Twitter; 220+ followers on Instagram; 1700+ likes on Facebook; 2500+ monthly viewers on the Council’s website.

This organization merged with another non-profit in 2017 and now no longer exists as an entity. However, the merged organization is the Mill Creek Alliance.

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