April 26, 2020 Tara no responses

Girls & Gals In Government Days

While I collaborated with many talented people to plan each of these events, the content found in these booklets was researched and compiled by me. Emily Heekin, an accomplished graphic designer at the City of Cincinnati, helped me format these booklets for printing and designed the event logos.

Girls in Government Day was a full-day event to encourage girls (and those who identify as girls) to participate and lead in government roles. This event was funded by Kroger and completely free to all participants. Each participant received one of these booklets in their swag bag at the beginning of the day to take notes and learn more about each speaker and activity throughout the day. In 2018 and 2019, we had 125+ participants.

Gals in Government Day was a full-day event to encourage women (and those who identify as women) to get involved in their local community and/or to run for office. This event was also funded by Kroger and completely free to all participants. Similar to Girls in Government Day, each participant received one of these booklets in their swag bag. In 2019, there were 75+ participants of this event and 45+ in 2020.

Activity booklets:

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